Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

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3 Subjects

Week 16 Discussion 2

Week 16 Discussion 2

Q Please listen to the above podcast, and respond to the questions below: • What were your thoughts on Kendra Scott's journey? • Please talk about a time you were unsuccessful. • Part of being an entrepreneur is having the ability to overcome barriers. o What barriers did you overcome and what were the skills you used to get through the hard times? • How did Kendra ultimately become successful? Please respond to All of the questions above and respond to at least 2 of your classmates

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I went to a security training last summer and we had to train on the range. I didn’t shoot for a while and the exercises we were doing were really advanced and I shot really bad and failed on the range. I didn’t let it beat me up or even bother me at all because I understood that if I had more training and wasn’t rusty I would of done just fine. For me, I always just try to manage everything in a logical manner and it a emotional one, also I feel like just having perseverance and patience can get you through a lot of struggles.